Cecilia Antonelli is a Lecturer (“Chargée de cours”) at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and an Affiliated Researcher at the Institut romand des sciences bibliques (IRSB).
Her research focuses on Christian “heresies” and ancient heresiology, the “construction” of memory of Christian origins, the systems of authority in the first Christian centuries, as well as Biblical writings, scriptural testimonia, Christian and Jewish apocryphal literature, and the establishment of the New Testament canon.
Cecilia Antonelli is member of the Association pour l’étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (AELAC), of the Societas Novi Testamenti Studiorum (SNTS) and of the Société pour l’étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (SELAC), as well as of the Groupe suisse d’études patristiques / Schweizerische patristische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (GSEP / SPAG) (Département de Patristique et Histoire de l’Église, Université de Fribourg) and of the Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale (CUSO).
After studying Classics with a particular focus on Ancient Christianity at the “Roma Tre” University (Bachelor of Classics, 2006; Master in Ancient Philology, Literature and History, 2008), she obtained a PhD in Greek and Roman Civilization and Tradition at the “Roma Tre” University and a PhD in Theology at the University of Geneva (2012), with a thesis in joint supervision. She first worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Geneva (Swiss Confederation Scholarship, 2012–2013), then at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Section des sciences religieuses (SSR) in Paris (“Doc. Mobility” Scholarship from the SNSF, 2013–2014). She then worked as a research and teaching associate in History of Early Christianity at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Geneva (2014–2017), and then as “Senior SNSF researcher” (Chercheuse FNS Senior) at the University of Lausanne (2017–2023). She was then a Lecturer (“Chargée de cours”) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) (2023–2024) and at the University of Lausanne (2024–2025).
Her editio princeps of the Acts and Martyrdom of the Apostle Bartholomew in Greek (Weimar Q 729 or “Codex Froehner”), with introduction, Italian translation and commentary, will be published as a volume of the Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum (CCSA), Brepols, including the text and translation of the ancient Armenian version of this Christian apocryphal text (expected publication: end of 2025).
A monograph which develops and expands the results of her PhD Thesis on the fragments of the early Christian author Hegesippus (2nd century) is being prepared and will be published under the title La mémoire oubliée des originnes chrétienne. Les fragments d’Hégésippe entre histoire et légende (Instrumenta patristica et medioevalia (IPM)), Brepols (expected publication: 2026).
While being “Senior SNSF researcher” (Chercheuse FNS Senior) in the Digital Humanities project “Éditer numériquement la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (ENLAC)”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), she started preparing the major electronic critical edition of the Lives of the Prophets (BHG 1585-1590) and related texts for the Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum (CCSA), Brepols.
PhD in Greek and Roman Civilization and Tradition / PhD in Protestant Theology, 2012
Roma Tre University (IT) / Université de Geneve (CH)
Ottimo / 6/6 (highest honours)
MA in Ancient Philology, Literature & History, 2008
Roma Tre University (IT)
110/110 e lode (highest honours)
BA in Classics, 2006
Roma Tre University (IT)
110/110 e lode (highest honours)
Invitation by: Paul Dilley (University of Iowa)
Invitation by: Michele Cutino (Université de Strasbourg)
Invitation by: André-Louis Rey (Université de Genève) and the Committee of GSEP
Invitation by: Janet Spittler, President of “North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL)” (University of Virginia)
Invitation by: SNTS Scientific Committee (Jens Schröter, Janet Spittler and Simon Butticaz)
75th General Meeting of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS)
Invitation by: Alberto D’Anna, Professor of “Letteratura cristiana antica”, et Massimo Giuseppetti, Professor of “Lingua e letteratura greca” (Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”)
Scienze dell’antichità e Digital Humanities – buone pratiche, frontiere teoriche e prospettive di ricerca
Invitation by: Simon Butticaz, Professor of “Nouveau Testament et traditions chrétiennes anciennes” (Université de Lausanne)
Invitation by: Alberto D’Anna, Professor of “Letteratura cristiana antica” (Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”), and Maria Lupi, Professor of “Storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese” (Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”).
Intorno al confine. Esperienze religiose tra marginalità ed esclusione in Europa e America. Seminario internazionale di studio italo-cileno.
Invitation by: Gian Domenico Cova, Professor of “Ebraico ed Esegesi dell’Antico Testamento” (Facoltà Teologica dell’Emilia Romagna – FTER), Camillo Neri, Professor of “Lingua e lettera- tura greca” (Università di Bologna) and Enrico Norelli, Professor of “Histoire du christianisme des origines” (Université de Genève)
Invitation by: Scientific Committee of the “Consulta Universitaria di Letteratura Cristiana Antica (CULCA)”
Invitation by: Simon Butticaz, Professor of “Nouveau Testament et traditions chrétiennes anciennes” (Université de Lausanne), Enrico NoRelli, Professor of “Histoire du christianisme des origines” (Université de Genève)
Invitation by: Mauro Pesce, Professor of “Storia del cristianesimo” (Alma mater studiorum –Università di Bologna)
Invitation by: Anne-Catherine Baudoin (École normale supérieure, Paris)
Invitation by: Simon Claude Mimouni (EPHE)
Dans le cadre des conférences « Origines du christianisme », Directeur d’études Simon Claude Mimouni
Invitation by: Jean-Daniel Dubois (EPHE)
Dans le cadre des conférences « Gnose et manichéisme », Directeur d’études Jean-Daniel Dubois
Invitation by: Jacques-Noël Pérès and Muriel Debié (ELCOA / ICP)
Dans le cadre du cours « Les littératures apocryphes », Coordination Jacques-Noël Pérès et Muriel Debié
Invitation by: Jean-Daniel Dubois (EPHE)
Dans le cadre des conférences « Gnose et manichéisme », Directeur d’études Jean-Daniel Dubois